Beth Russell first developed her eye for matching colours to wool whilst working at the Royal School of Needlework in London. She formed Designers Forum (now over 20 years ago) and has built an international reputation for her interpretations of William Morris designs. Beth’s adaptations differ from the Morris originals in that they are to be stitched in needlepoint, whereas Morris’ were meant for a myriad of different purposes – wallpapers, fabrics, embroidery, tapestry, tiles and book decoration. However, in every other way she tries to be essentially true to the great man. The designs are first sketched or painted and then each part is worked many times on canvas before the final shapes and colours are decided. Beth hopes that her needlepoint kits and books might provide a means by which people can exercise their talents and find the contentment that Morris preached is the right of each and every one of us.
The best range of embroidery wool available plus prompt and efficient service.Beth Russell, Designers Forum